We'll start things off on Sunday July the 9th on Hole #10 when Rod Shemilt and his wife Theresa went out for their usual early-afternoon round. Rod walked up to the Tenth Tee and blasted a 3 Wood around the trees on the 171 yard hole and into the cup. This is Rod's first Hole-in-One at Highview and he told us that it was "his second in his lifetime" but we're not sure if we believe that! His surprised wife Theresa was the only witness of the feat. Congratulations Rod!!
Next we move on to Wednesday July 12th on the Opposite Nine of the Ladies' Night where Luc Gagnon, 18, scored his first ever Ace. This occurred on Hole 12 when Gagnon muscled up an 8 Iron through tough wind and an uphill shot. The ball travel just under 150 yards and into the cup. Lone witness was longtime friend Brendan Dale, 19. Congratulations Luc!!
Last but not least the next morning when the Tuesday Boys group went out at their usual time, the group that Tom Boyd was playing in made the turn at Nine to go in for a quick bite to eat. When they walked back out of the clubhouse the guys didn't think they were going to experience a shot of a lifetime. Longtime member Boyd walked up to the Tenth Tee (like Shemilt) but instead with a 7 Wood in hand. Tom made the 171 yard shot with friend Mike Cragg being the only witness. Congratulations Tom!!
Once again a big shoutout to all of the Hole-in-One shooters as we add them to the list that only included Phil Lamothe for 2017 Hole-in-Ones bringing the total up to 4 on the year!