The eleventh Ladies' Night of the season was held Wednesday at Highview G.C.! We had another fantastic turnout for our most recent Ladies' event of the year; our Annual Christmas in July themed night! Forty Two women teed off at 5:30 on the Back Nine, with the Front available to other golfers as well. Thank you to those who came out during the gorgeous evening, beat the rain at the end of the round, and participated once again in our Ladies' Section!
With it being our Annual Christmas in July event, we also had our annual food drive for the Powassan & District Food Bank. The Ladies' collected over 200 lbs of non-perishable food and $198 in Cash Donations (including $48 from HVGC 50/50)! Big thanks to everyone for supporting our community.
Another big thank you to our continued sponsor in the team at Rose Bowl Florists in North Bay!
Stay tuned for more HVGC Event Updates and Results.
Back Nine (Holes 10-18) - Par 35 - Red Tees
Format: 4 Lady 3-3-3
3 Holes of each Format (10-12 = Best Ball, 13-15 = Worst Drive Scramble (In-Play), 16-18 = Scramble)
Longest Drive #11 - Trina Odd
Closest to the Pin #16 - Brenda Cooper
Longest Putt #18 - Marg Souter (~24 ft.)
1st Flight
1st - Sandra King, Lia Farelli, Diana McLeod, & Mona Veilleux = 37 (R)
2nd - Marg Rueck, Ann Oshell, & Karen Hall (3 Lady) = 37
2nd Flight
1st - Leslie Brooks, Diane Yackobeck, Sharleen Plarina, & Jeannine McDonald = 39 (R)
2nd - Trina & Megan Odd, Denise Bryant, & Kelly Young = 39
The next upcoming Ladies' Night is next week (Wednesday the 31st) - Shotgun Start at 5:30. Format will be determined.
Note: 3 Lady Scramble - Aug 17th @ 10 AM ~ $65/golfer plus Carts